RightPath™ Ascend

Ensure your child’s success by sending them to school with confidence

Is your child ready to academically succeed in school?

Despite heroic efforts by our educators, the disruption of our normal educational landscape over the last 18 months has caused more students learning gaps, and those gaps are larger than ever before. In addition, gaps are not always where we would expect them to be, based upon prior years’ experience. Students who have never struggled before are struggling now. There are wide-spread reports of an 80% increase in secondary failures! Elementary children are not as well prepared for their next grade level as they usually have been. Schools are beginning new programs, trying new educational techniques and technologies, to help address these challenges.

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See where students need help!

Have your students check their knowledge and get help for any challenges that are identified.

If sufficient gaps are identified, register them for assistance for a small fee and they will be provided with a more in-depth assessment.

They can independently work through engaging lessons targeted at their personal questions and finish any learning that was delayed.

The RightPath™ Ascend platform will provide the students with an individualized learning path for each student. This can be done for all secondary students in all their core courses and electives, and all children in grades 3-8 in Math & ELA. It enables the students to focus on the content they need to know and not on the content they have already mastered. Each student’s plan will be assigned to them automatically. Student progress can be monitored with mini-assessments built into each lesson. If desired, the reports can even be reviewed with educators in your district at a later date.

Ascend is different from other education technology products because it doesn’t just provide content; it actually provides a complete solution that includes:

  • Individualized and Personalized learning
  • Individualized and Personalized instruction
  • A Personal Learning Environment

This allows for each student to get the most out of their education, and for educators to see where each student is excelling and where they may need more assistance. Contact us today to learn more about how the RightPath™ Ascend platform can help your students achieve success.

Armed with the right team & right tools, it IS possible to “meet students where they are.”

Who can be helped?

Students in grades 3-12 have been receiving help from the RightPath™ platform for over 20 years!

School districts have been using the RightPath™ platform for years in programs such as:

  • Credit Recovery
  • AIS (Academic Intervention Service) Remediation
  • RTI (Response To Intervention) Remediation
  • Alternate Education
  • Summer School
  • Suspension
  • Test Preparation
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Elementary & Middle School Students

The educational disruption has been particularly hard for students in grades 3-8. A traditional curriculum is harder to adapt to a remote or hybrid modality at these grade levels. Fortunately, RightPath™ was designed specifically for use in either a hybrid or remote methodology from the very beginning.
Every student is unique and special. Students come to school each day with different strengths, challenges and assets. The days of the “one size fits all” education practice is no longer acceptable. The Learning Resources featured in RightPath™ provide individual instructional paths to support the individual needs of students. A robust library of hundreds of interactive and engaging lessons for grades 3-8 in both Math and ELA can be assigned automatically based upon the results of a simple diagnostic. Questions included in every lesson are used to easily monitor progress and seamlessly help the student gain proficiency or mastery at their own individual pace.

Secondary courses:

  • Algebra 1
  • Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • Earth Science
  • Living Environment
  • Chemistry
  • Global Studies
  • US History & Government
  • English 9-12

How Does It Work?

Easy & Efficient - Help them learn by focusing on only what they don't already know!

Student shows what they already know

Gr 4 Math BM
Alg Diagnostic Generic

Results are automatically analyzed to identify areas of challenge

  • Reports can be reviewed at home or with educators
  • Lessons will be automatically assigned, based upon the student's needs.

Student participates in learning activities with built-in progress monitoring

Instructional Planning Lessons
Knight wo Princess
Solve Equations Lesson

How can I get started?

Would you like to find out how your organization

could become involved in helping to prepare students with us?